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Yoga Aktuell Special No. 6 - Yoga & Anatomy

Product number: 117426

The big anatomy special!

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Includes free DVD with practical instructions by Dr. Ronald Steiner!

Anatomy as an important pillar on the path to realisation

Why a good understanding of anatomy is highly relevant to yoga practice. By Lilla N. Wuttich.

Oh wonder, what a body
Know the body for the fascinating marvel that it is. By Doris Iding.

A sustainable foundation

Grounded on the yoga mat and standing in life: an exciting look at the feet. By Melanie Müller with practical tips from foot expert, movement pedagogue and yoga teacher Ulli Wurpes.

Legs, knees and hips

Spiraldynamik® meets yoga: legs, knees and hips from the perspective of medical yoga. By Eva Hager-Forstenlechner.

A stable connection

Focus on the sacroiliac joint: What the link between the upper and lower body does. By Bitta Boerger.

Standing upright in life

Medical doctor and yoga therapist Dr Günter Niessen in an interview about the spine and the different viewpoints on its healthy uprightness. Interview: Melanie Müller.

The diaphragm, our most important breathing muscle
Yoga teacher and trauma yoga therapist Joachim Pfahl explains the often underestimated role of the diaphragm in an interview with YOGA AKTUELL. Interview: Doris Iding.

Asana workshop: Bandhas versus Core

Theory and lots of practice around a strong core with Liz Huntly and Roland Jensch.

Shoulder-Neck Anatomy

Shoulder-neck tension is common. This article provides the anatomical understanding that is so important for a healing approach to this region of the body. By Lucia Nirmala Schmidt.

Asana workshop: forward bends, backbends and twists

How these postures are good for the spine in many ways - assuming anatomically correct execution. Instructions and practical examples by Eva Hager-Forstenlechner.

Fascia & Yoga

Why fascia tissue has such a far-reaching influence on the entire body, and what the new scientific findings have to do with our yoga practice. By Christiane Wolff.

Women's anatomy, men's anatomy

Anatomical differences between the sexes and their relevance for yoga practice. By Julia Johannsen.

Finding your own shape

Embracing the body without ifs and buts: A personal experience report by yin yoga teacher Helga Baumgartner.

Ouch! Overambitious yoga practice?

Not all physical limits can be pushed by intensive practice. Where development potential lies, and which individual anatomical conditions you should definitely accept. By Chris Ahrweiler.

Reduce the risk of injury

If you approach asana practice with a mindful attitude rather than a performance mindset, you can significantly reduce the risk of injury and at the same time open your eyes more to the inner treasures of yoga. By Doris Iding.

The sense and benefits of anatomy in yoga classes
... and how to convey anatomical knowledge in a didactically meaningful way. By Anna Trökes.

The only anatomy book for you is yourself
Anatomy expert Leslie Kaminoff in an interview about anatomy books and and about the individual anatomy of the body, which the student can only explore. Interview: Julia Johannsen.

Are we really all the same?

Alignment 2.0: Why the classic standardised alignment should urgently be should be replaced by an individualised alignment that takes the Particularities of the individual of the individual. By Markus Henning Giess.

The anatomy of the energy body
Koshas, chakras, nadis and vayus - what are these energetic realities all about? Insights into the subtle anatomy of the human being. By Dr. Ralph Skuban.

Asana Workshop: Therapeutic Sequence for a Healthy Back
Richard and Meret Hackenberg will present a sequence that will strengthen the leg and hip muscles, the pelvis and the back Hip muscles, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles and can thus support the back Back.

Stretching and strengthening in yoga practice

A harmonious interplay of stability and flexibility: why a well-stretched and strengthened musculature has an all-round positive effect on our our body system, and what we can consider for a balanced Yoga practice. By Christina Loy-Birzer.

Ayurveda and yoga therapy for the musculoskeletal system
The causes of complaints in the musculoskeletal system that an ayurvedically ayurvedic perspective reveals, and which treatment approaches can be treatment approaches result from this. By Kerstin Rosenberg and Akasha S. Hermanns.

Experiencing anatomy
Five movement concepts that lend themselves to exploring the body's anatomy anatomy and discover that there is an anatomy that goes far beyond the physical beyond the physical. By Julia Johannsen.

and much more

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Yoga Aktuell Special No. 6 - Yoga & Anatomy Reviews for Yoga Aktuell Special No. 6 - Yoga & Anatomy
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Ilona writes:
I am a very big fan of Yoga aktuell, and this special issue is an absolute highlight! A very recommendable issue for every yogi and very instructive for newcomers like me.
Jules writes:
I am relatively new to the yoga books.
But I feel very much at home,
I have the feeling that the yoga era is allowed to continue the philosophy of my profession - physiotherapy - as this is unfortunately becoming more and more commercialised in my professional field.
I would therefore like to learn more about how yoga affects the whole body
I am on the right path. Thank you
Sandra writes:
Super interesting - I am currently preparing for my 500h exam and was able to supplement and intensify my knowledge. It is so important to understand the connections of the body in order to prevent injuries. Especially when you teach and correct as a yoga teacher. Simply successful.
Claudia writes:
A very successful extra edition, also interesting for non-yogis!!!

Our body - a miracle. To get a visual idea of one's own inner self and the interplay of the functional circuits can be enormously helpful when practising.
The wide range of content offers a lot of knowledge and experience from many an author. One clearly notices that theory is taught here with a solid practical background.
I would be happy to receive more booklets of this kind.
THANK YOU and best regards Claudia
Gunda writes:
We find this issue so successful and up to date that we are making it available to students of our yoga teacher training! Namaste :-)
Monica writes:
This booklet brings new insights into the body and the effect of yoga on it. And what is known is confirmed. Very interesting and helpful texts.
Andrea writes:
The special booklet "Anatomy" is just great. I haven't had a chance to look at the CD yet, but I think that because the booklet is great, the CD will be no less so. I must say that I find the magazines "Yoga aktuell" very good. I will order a subscription when I get the chance.
So: Thumbs up!
Elisabeth writes:
Very good booklet with valuable tips. I will enjoy the DVD over the holidays. Congratulations!
Best regards from Basel.
Bjanka writes:
I am thrilled! As I am currently preparing to become a yoga teacher, booklet no. 6 has directed my passion and focus towards anatomy. The reports are very informative, written in a reader-friendly way and structured in a very understandable way thanks to the numerous pictures. Tips for yoga practice and book recommendations make you want more! Great price-performance ratio! THANK YOU to the editors: well done!
Regina writes:
Dear Yoga Team!

This special edition is just super successful and I really have a lot of joy with it!
I like the DVD very much, everything is explained in a simple and understandable way.
The price for these 2 high-quality items is more than fair.

Reinhild writes:
Namaste dear team,
this issue inspires, makes you want more and is anything but dull
many thanks to all who have worked on it ;-))
Friedhart writes:
I like the Yoga Special Anatomy very much.I am still in the process of reading it completely.I have bought the edition twice, and would like to give one copy to my son's girlfriend.
She wants to start with yoga, and here the knowledge about anatomy can only be good.
Kind regards Friedhart
Carmen writes:
I am thrilled. It is once again a super issue of Yoga aktuell. Informative and even more enriching with the CD. Pure inspiration. Many thanks
Beate writes:
I like the Yoga Special Anatomy very much. I haven't read it all the way through yet, but I really like the layout and the clear illustrations. I have already recommended the booklet to my daughter, although as a yoga teacher she already has a lot of literature and is also well versed in anatomy. I give this booklet and the DVD full marks.
Helga writes:
The Yoga Special No. 6 with the enclosed DVD is well done. The detailed explanations are very helpful. All this at a very reasonable price! Only with Uddiyana-Bandha on the DVD do I think some basic explanations of this breathing exercise are important.
Caroline writes:
The yoga special is fantastic and at that price. High praise
Andrea writes:
Hello dear Yoga Team,

I find the Yoga Special No. 6 very well done and especially the DVD. Everything is beautifully explained and you can do the asanas yourself.
I have subscribed to Yoga aktuell and look forward to every new issue.
Your service, whether by phone or email, is also great.
Thank you all and keep up the good work.
Kind regards Andrea
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