Yoga Aktuell 150 - 01/2025

SKU: 1000350

"Celebrate with us 25 years of YOGA AKTUELL and meet many well-known figures from the yoga scene again! Also in the magazine: Inspirations for building your own personal asana practice, exciting insights into the power of immunity in yoga and Ayurveda, as well as numerous topics from yoga philosophy!"

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Yoga Aktuell 150 - 01/2025
Yoga Verlag

Yoga Aktuell 150 - 01/2025



Sensitivity for the space
Patricia Thielemann has shaped the early days of modern yoga in Germany with her Berlin studios. In the YOGA-AKTUELL interview, she talks about the special spirit of this exciting phase, among other things. Interview: Julia Johannsen.

anniversary feature

25 Years of YOGA AKTUELL We celebrate with you the 150th issue: Anniversary greetings 


Ayurvedic Recipes for Late Winter and Spring
Everyday recipes for delicious dishes that strengthen the digestive fire and promote vitality. By Kristina Nowoczin.

yoga practice

The seven chakras Part 6:
Seeing Through the Third Eye: Ajna Chakra and the Vision of Wholeness. By Shai Tubali.

Light energy for body, mind, and soul
In this asana practice, you gather light energy in the center of the pelvis, the chest, and the head, and let it flow outward from there. By Anna Rech.

Yoga between Heaven and Earth!
Courage for your own practice: discovering new experiential spaces in dialogue with the body and finding the truth of the heart – a very personal sequence that is meant to inspire you to experiment. By Katharina Middendorf.

yoga philosophy and mysticism 
The High School of Yoga
 A path to self-determination, peace, and fulfillment. By Bhajan Noam.

The Secret of Happiness
… lies in the awareness of the divine presence – an excerpt from "The Eternal Quest of Man" by Paramahansa Yogananda

New Light on the Yoga Sutra, Part 2
In this episode, you will learn more significant backgrounds of the classical yoga text and dive into the central contents and teachings of Chapter 1. By Stephanie Schönberger.

Spanda – the principle of divine vibration
Spanda, the creative pulsation of the Absolute, is a subtle dynamic that oscillates from Shiva to Shakti and from Shakti to Shiva. This is where the key to a profoundly transformed perception and to transcending the principle of karma lies. By Aravindini Giri.

Back to the Tantric Roots
"Why today's yoga should rediscover its tantric roots! By Martin Henniger."

The Secret Name of God 

A well-kept secret – about the omnipresence of God as "Christ in us" and the name that reveals it to us in a redemptive way. By Yvonne Ferger.

Accepting and transforming fate
"About the space of pure consciousness, from which we can perceive suffering and difficulties with acceptance, and from which an energy arises that allows us to confront them clearly and powerfully. By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri."

Spiritual Life

The art of living a happy partnership
Five inspirations for a mature, loving, and lasting relationship. By Florian Palzinsky.

Leave negative beliefs behind you
"It is primarily beliefs that lead us to think, feel, act, and live in a very specific way. Here you will learn where they come from and how you can overcome them. By Doris Iding."

Ayurveda and Health

The Power of Immunity in Yoga and Ayurveda – What Ojas Is, and How to Build and Support It. By Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley).

Parents at 35+
"This is how a late pregnancy succeeds with yoga and natural healing. By Friederike Reumann."


Mindful Eating
Prof. Dr. Gregor Hasler is the author of the book "What Truly Nourishes Us." YOGA AKTUELL spoke with him about the importance of whole foods, the necessity of inner cleansing, and why shared meals are more than just food intake. Interview: Eva-Maria Kopel.

The healing power of sounds
The renowned harpist Uschi Laar has deeply engaged with the effects of sound and vibration on the energy centers of humans. In a conversation with YOGA AKTUELL, she talks about working with the individual fundamental tone and incorporating healing frequencies into yoga classes. Interview: Doris Iding.

yoga teacher

Power versus Empowerment
"On Abuse of Power in Yoga and the Inability to Competently and Supportively Accompany Participants. By Nicole Konrad."


Shamanic Elements in Ancient Greece

About Gods, Oracle Plants, and Initiations into the Mysteries of Being. By Kevin Johann.

And much more...

More information
  • Manufacturer Yoga Verlag GmbH, Wendelins 1d, D-87487 Wiggensbach - Germany,
  • Weight 0.334 kg

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